Hello! My name is Gillian Small and I am a Lightworker and Emotional Life Coach. I am trained to help you release childhood programming, limiting thoughts, past life karma and release energetic blocks that are keeping you feeling stuck in life and keeping you from becoming the version of who you really are. I do this by using Emotional Freedom Techniques, Quantum EFT – Tapping Into Past Lives & Mining the Akash, Matrix ReImprinting and Celestial Light Energy. I am also a Reiki Master and Yoga Instructor. My soul purpose in our sessions together is to hold the space for you to be vulnerable and open and know that you are safe with me, while I assist in guiding you through your personal growth and inner journey work. I know what it feels like to suffer from debilitating panic and anxiety, insecurities and low self-esteem, and betrayal and devastation. I am here for you to help you navigate through and heal the worst of pains, so you can transform into the magnificent shining light that you are.
“You are enough. Just as you are. When you remember that, you can stop doing anything out of obligation and struggle and instead act from a place of inspiration and joy.”
Growing up I was labeled a worrier, too emotional and too sensitive, as though there was something wrong with me. I was often hushed or silenced therefore, perceiving my thoughts and words were not worthy enough for others to hear, thus, keeping everything to myself. A few years ago I was basically immobilized suffering from anxiety and often debilitating panic attacks. I refused to take medications because I saw how it numbed people, and especially how it numbed a family member. So I sought the help of my naturopathic doctor and started taking Rescue Remedy, which are homeopathic drops to relieve the symptoms of anxiety. It helped, but, barely. The thought of leaving the house without it, caused great anxiety in itself. During that period of my life, I also felt like I was going nowhere and I was stuck, like there had to be more to life than going through the motions.
One day I was sitting at the computer looking out the window up at the clouds, with almost an inner knowing that there was something within me that could help myself heal from so much inner emotional suffering. I looked up at the sky and thought there has to be more than this. There has to be something that comes from within me so that I would not have to rely on taking medications to feel better. I literally said, “Please universe, help me find a way to do this. I know it is out there. Please show me what it is and what I need to do.” My vibration was raised during this moment with an almost hopeful knowing that the answer would be sent to me. Needless to say a few days later, I found EFT on the internet, or it found me but what really happened was the universe was listening and was giving me the answer I was looking for. I will forever be grateful for that!
Since then I have used EFT which helped me to see the symptoms of anxiety were protecting me from feeling and expressing suppressed emotions like sadness and anger. Growing up in my household, emotions were a no-no. It was not safe or permissible to cry (which showed weakness) or express my feelings and fears (I would just get yelled at or sent to my room). So I just numbed and suppressed my feelings altogether. I had no safe outlet to release my emotions and fears and often felt alone and isolated. EFT allowed me to feel and express suppressed childhood sadness and resentment in a safe way, which has drastically changed my life for the better! It has also allowed me to move through so much fear and tap into my courage, wisdom and strength. I now find great pleasure in helping guide others move through their anxieties, fears, feelings of helplessness, etc… into feeling and becoming more empowered within their lives.
Through EFT and Matrix Re-Imprinting I have healed my own …
• Jaw pain • Frozen shoulder • Swollen achy knees • Chronic upper and lower back pain • Chronic tight achy wrists • Eye pain • Chronic sore throats and constant clearing of the throat • Bladder problems • Anxiety and panic attacks